Move with more ease, grace + fluidity.

This program will teach you how to move intuitively + ride your breath. We will break down the elusive spinal wave and learn to listen to and move with our bodies’ rhythm.

Program Includes - Lessons on Breath, movement + fluid transitions. vinyasa classes where you can apply the learned techniques to your physical practice. downloadable program guide with calendar.

  • Lesson #1 - BREATH

    Lesson #1 - BREATH

    Discover the many roles breath plays in our movement practice + then put your knowledge into action.

  • Lesson #2 - MOVEMENT + BREATH

    Lesson #2 - MOVEMENT + BREATH

    Connect deeper into the awareness of your breath and keep this connection as you weave through postures. Learn how to let breath guide + inform your body.

  • Lesson #3 - TRANSITIONS

    Lesson #3 - TRANSITIONS

    Beginning to apply breath awareness + intention to more transitions in this lesson. We will break down the segmental spinal wave on a deeper level and draw actively upon breath to create intentional movement from the inside out. Finding a transformative way to inform how you move on your mat.

Fluid Movement Program
One time

Move with more ease, grace + fluidity. Cultivate awareness of your breath + use that awareness to inform how you move. We will break down the elusive spinal wave and connect the dots of breath, intention, flow + the art of transitioning.

✓ Lessons on Breath, Movement + Transitions
✓ Vinyasa Flows to Apply Learned Methodology
✓ Downloadable Calendar + Guide
✓ Lifetime Access